onvural.net – melih – family man

Community pool


Amelia was desperate to go swimming today. Micky wanted to see the curtains. So we looked up some public pool times and headed down to Bayshore.

The lady at the front desk of the MLK Jr Rec Center was incredibly nice. Great smile.

We got in, and the babies were definitely intimated. Lots of loud kids. The water was too cold for them. But we hopped in, and toughed it out for 35 minutes.

We took a steaming hot shower afterwards because the water was really cold.

And then hit up the playground.

I think it’s so great that the city of SF has public pools we can go to for $8. It’s definitely going to be part of our weekend play book.

But the best part was how Amelia wanted it, and how much she enjoys the pool, swimming, and just being physically active in general.

Long may it last 🙂

Hide (or don’t) and seek


The babies have fallen in love with playing hide and seek. Except… there’s no mystery to how they play 🙂

The game usually goes something like this

Amelia and Luka go into bed time delay mode by suggesting a rousing game of hide-and-seek. Amelia usually says something along the lines of, “Mummy, Luka, Mummy, Luka you be a dinosaur. Me and daddy hide in daddy’s bed.”

So let’s break it down… a successful game of hide-and-seek seems to involve

  1. Dinosaurs chasing you down, and attempting to eat you. There’s a lot of cannibalism in our family as the babies are so sweet that cheeks, chins, tummies, and feet are regularly eaten. This has clearly translated into their play
  2. Knowing where someone is is a requirement to the game
  3. The “dinosaurs” need to make loud noises pretending to not know where the hiders are.
  4. When the “dinosaurs” finally pounce on the hiders everyone squeals in delight

That is, unless you’re Luka. You see if you’re Luka then you can’t wait, and you pull the covers down, pop out of the bed, and yell, “Mummy. I here!” over and over again until you’re discovered. And then you squeal in delight anyway.

What will those goofballs think of next to not have to go to bed. I can only imagine 🙂

Learning to let go


I always tell people that I have 3 babies:

  • Amelia

  • Luka

  • OpenTok

And all three have had an amazing year. They’ve gone from needing epic hand holding to having a village around them that makes them better than I could alone.

At work, the hardest part has been learning to trust that others can love the product as much as I do. The team I’ve built makes me feel so confident in the wider set of problems that we’re solving. And now, as they develop their own ideas, I’m really seeing what OpenTok will be. It’s really amazing.

This past week at swimming class my other two babies surprised me so much. Luka is getting so damn confident. Amelia did the older class by herself, and she was just amazing!! And the whole time all I want is to hold them back, and feel like I’m on control and can help them.

But as I said to my team at TokBox, my challenge this quarter is learning to let go. I guess it’s destiny that it all has to happen at once 🙁