Category: Life updates

  • You have just arrived in the first hotel on the moon how was your trip.

    The way you get to the moon is super cool you ride in this train like thing that goes at the light speed. It is hard to see anything but you can see all the countries. Once you get there it’s so cool you can jump so high. You can sleep all day if you…

  • Lions v panthers

    The panthers won with a shut out the final is 20-0. The lions threw a 50 yard pass caught for a touchdown but they was a flag illegal formation so they didn’t get the touchdown. The panthers hade two turnovers and the lions hade 1turnover. This is the only time in two years the lions…

  • Today

    My sisters friend came up yesterday my sister saw for the first time today. We walked to a new Mexican restaurant. Then me my sister and her friend walked home on are own. And then she came over to go swimming. Then we came back to my house and then they changed and left. Then…

  • Halloween

    last Thursday it was Halloween.myFriends took me trick or treating.i Got a lot of candy .

  • Bowling

    I went bowling today it was fun. i ate a hot dog and fries. it felt like forever. Then in the last frame I lost by one point .

  • Movie : Abominable

    This Sunday I went to a movie .it was fun .and I eat a lot of candy.and it was awesome.

  • Sciences

    Today I had science at school . I planted in the garden at my school .I planted rainbow cabbage. It was fun. It’s going to grow very soon, and I’m going to try it.

  • The music class

    This morning I went to my music class.I played the piano.And I played Lucy locket lost her was fun .then it was over.

  • The board game

    Today i played a board game. I played with my friends .the game was sorry.We played for a long time .I lost .

  • My play date.

    I went to Reeves’s house after school. Then we played uno. I won the first game. He won the second. Then his nanny, Alex, played and she lost.