A month’s worth of small steps

We had a really great demo day today.

It’s the beginning of celebrating lots of small steps. At the end of the road, I think we’ll all find it was a journey worth taking. And through it, we’ll have lots of stories to tell 🙂

The tradition of celebrating small success isn’t new at TokBox, but I do think it’s a bit forgotten. One of the first things that Yang did when he joined back in ’09 was bring in an agile methodology. We become three small teams, and we did a lot of really good work in our units. Each unit then showed off its work in a demo day. This is par for the course for an agile team, but something we’d never done before at TokBox. The genius of demo days is that a scrum master can make his team look great for even the smallest things because the whole point is to accomplish all of those little things that led to the train leaving the station and going into the world.

I remember that feeling very vividly of having an awesome demo, and sharing with pride the work we’d accomplished. We did bi-weekly releases, and so it was never a huge amount of work. It wasn’t a platform company, and so there wasn’t a big partner acquisition to celebrate. There was just our hard work to point to, and take pride in.

Small victories bundled together become big wins for the world to see. I can’t wait to share those too!

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