And so it comes to a close…

10 years ago I graduated from Grad School. I packed up my life, and headed West to San Francisco. Most kids dream about world cups or flying to the moon, but I wanted to conquer Silicon Valley. It was the beginning of a new chapter in life

And what a chapter!

There’s no way 10 years ago I could have imagined where I’d be today (both professionally and personally):

  • An entire company built an idea that I glued together in a conference room
  • Another company acquired that business
  • The first company hired the woman who would then become my wife
  • And supported us through three babies, surgeries, a sabbatical, buying a new house, and so much more
  • Then a THIRD company gave me the chance of a lifetime to change the way an entire industry works

That’s the magic of Silicon Valley. It’s a place where dreams can come true. Where you can create anything you can imagine. It believes that nothing is impossible. It blindly believes (wrongly at times) that technology will fix everything. And that there are an infinite amount of problems worth fixing with an infinite number of solutions. With enough time, money, and people, all of those combinations will be explored, and the best will win. It’s a belief that exists no where else in the world. It’s pure optimism (even if the reality is much more different).

I made so many great friends along the way, and found mentors and coaches who have done nothing but lift me up (even when my own two feet wouldn’t carry me forward).

I never had to pay for lunch during the work week.

But after today, a new chapter begins. A less dreamy, more grounded chapter. Based in NYC, and focused not on an infinite number of problems, but the most important ones. I’ve traded a bi-coastal life for date nights with Micky, bike rides with the babies, and the chance to help Main Street win.

San Francisco was a great chapter in my life. I love so much the memories of everyone who was a part of it.

And this next one… it’s going to be even better.


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