Category: Becoming a PM
It’s not okay to say nothing
I found out today how important it is to be vocal when you really believe in something. First some background: I believe that the reason that TokBox is successful right now is because we’ve built the right culture. Hiring in the Valley is a bitch, and if you aren’t careful, then you’ll hire anyone out […]
Don’t yell in email; it doesn’t work
I’m on a soccer team that is a mix between very serious, competitive folks (about a third) and folks who are just out there playing because they want to exercise, have some fun and the like. It’s tough to be on the more serious end because you end up getting extremely frustrated by the folks […]
I can’t quite put my finger on why, but Friday was an amazing day. A lot of pretty large projects finally came together, and I really feel like came to a conclusion. Finish lines are too damn difficult to find in their own right, but when you cross two or three together at the same […]
Is there a formula for convincing?
They don’t teach you the formula for convincing people of things in school. In school, I had to take a public speaking course, and I’ll be 100% honest… it was awesome! I had a fantastic professor, and a great, great, great group of classmates with whom I worked. The glass taught me a lot about […]