Getting a Raspberry Pi connected to power


or you can get all of these together in a bundle from iUniker which I think is much easier


The instructions that come with the box were great. Some key pieces that we found we wanted to triple check even though they seem very obvious…

Make sure that the ports (USB, Ethernet, HDMI, etc.) are all facing the right way in the case. I say this because we didn’t get this right the first time.

There are 3 heat sink components. It wasn’t very obvious to us where the third one went. It also doesn’t matter if orientation is up/down or down/up, but what you will notice is that they only fully cover the component in one orientation.

Before taking the sticker off the back of the heat sinks, make sure you understand that orientation.

Count the pins. This way you’ll be able to get the fan pins connected to the right spot. The layouts you can find online are useful, but they still require counting carefully.

After that you’ll just screw in the top of the case to the bottom. Again, make sure the ports are aligned.

Now your Raspberry Pi is ready to be programmed.

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