The new is live!

I’ve done it!

The new is live, and you can find the code for it here:

It’s an incredibly simple site, and the build process involves locally building, and then FTP-ing the code up to my server. But it was really fun to build.

The design and code are based on the tutorial from Florian Pop that you can find here: (To which I’ve added a pop-up modal so that when you click on the photo you see a bigger version of it).

Right now there’s only the default image. Soon however, the front page will update for the given day, and show all the pictures that exist for that day. I’m going to start to scan in the photos across old family albums, and upload the starred photos from my personal library. Then whenever I load the page as my default homepage, I’ll be reminded of cool family moments through out history.

If you have old photos of the Onvural family, I’d love to get them so I can add them to the website. And if you have any thoughts on the website, or the code, I’d love your feedback.

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