When ending is critical for beginning

I wrote this as a note to someone special earlier this week, and I really like the message. I’ve decided to share it in an edited format here.

Folks leave.

It’s sad because it feels like somehow the system failed. But we don’t think that about death. When someone dies, we create room for someone new to be born who brings a newer, and hopefully better, perspective to who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

Death’s inevitability gives us a reprieve. And yet even without death everything comes to an end – inevitably. Hitting streaks, consecutive quarters of profitability, periods of peace – none can last forever.

In a static system, there is neither death nor birth. Culture can become static. Endings act as a wake up call that we cannot be static. The lesson is to not hang on to being what we were, but, instead, create an energy to become.

Part of the journey is starting to let go, and letting the culture be carried by others. The others will do a great job because we choose them, and make sure they do. The actors who see that transition, and decide it’s not for them make the best choice for all in leaving.

The end game doesn’t change. But we do.

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