Amazing that we’re already two months into 2010. I didn’t have a chance to stop in January and give an update on my resolutions, but I’m flying back to North Carolina today, and decided this was a good chance.

For first timers, I laid out 10 Resolutions for 2010 (which I should have trademarked because it’s an awesome name) in a previous blog post. I tried to make them all something which could be measured, and I put them out in the public sphere as a forcing function to make sure that I deliver.

How am I doing so far?

  1. Lose 25 pounds by June 1st
    • I didn’t define what 25 pounds would actually mean so let me do that now. I started 2010 at 202 lbs. That means that I have to get down to 178 pounds by June 1st. Right now, nine weeks in, I’m down to 194 pounds which puts me right on target for one pound per week. I’ve upped my soccer and gym time, and I’m at the golf course walking every weekend. Which leads me to my next resolution
  2. Play a round of golf in the 80s
    • If you’ve followed me on Twitter, then you know the love-hate relationship that golf has with me. I love it, but it’s a cruel, cruel mistress. I’ve been playing weekly at the Fleming Course at Harding Park where Saket, Matt and I saw the President’s Cup last year. It’s a 9-hole, par 30 course. I’ve never made it out of the 70’s.

      Now that said, my short game is just awesome, and last night at the driving range I really started making progress with my 7- and 9-irons. That said, this may be the most ambitious of the bunch.

  3. Increase my personal savings by one-third
    • While I had a really good idea that I was going to get engaged this year, I didn’t really appreciate how it might affect this resolution. I’m not talking the cost of a diamond ring, but the fact that I no longer have savings because now we have savings. I need to do some thinking on this one and redefine it for the next update.

      However, I am thinking about formally creating an investment club and would live to know if anyone wants in. The structure would be to invest your own money, but amortizing the cost of doing research by sharing a wiki and occasional meetings with others. If anyone is interested, then let me know.

  4. Finish the initial BFBP product
    • The good news is it’s on paper, and it won’t take too long to build. The bad news is that I’m having a tough time finding one hour per day to work on it. That will be my goal in March to help make this resolution happen.
  5. Blog five times per month
    • Success. Loving every minute of it, and I’m really glad you guys are here to share it with me.
  6. Visit one new country, and three new places
    • Total failure so far. One new country may be Egypt, Cook Islands or Bora Bora as part of the honeymoon. The new places may be Pacific Northwest. Not really sure. Would love any and all suggestions.
  7. Run a half-marathon
    • The Box, as I’m affectionately calling my place of employment, has sponsored two internal teams to do a relay marathon at the end of April. That, and losing weight, will be good indicators of how successful this resolution will be.
  8. Learn to Tango
    • I unfortunately have had no chance to work on this resolution. Honestly not holding out a lot of hope for this guy.
  9. Support Micky in helping her stop biting her nails
    • I was told an engagement ring would help. No luck. My next tactic is to use the sour apple stuff that got an old high school classmate of mine to quit. That however will happen covertly, and without prior knowledge. Very secret agent of me.
  10. Support Micky in helping her finish her sailing qualifications
    • Last weekend, Micky went out on her second cruise as the Junior Navigator. We practiced some book knowledge in the car, and I left her alone while she was studying. I did suggest that she skip the cruise because of the gale conditions, but that just inspired her to go. I give myself a “C+” score on this one.

I’d have to say that so far it looks like things are going pretty well. I’m actually really pleasantly surprised by the weight progress, and just hope that golf and BFBP follow along in the months to come.

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