Micky started watching the CBS sitcom, “The Good Wife”, and we’re both hooked. I know the show has been on for a while, and that the reviews have been good, but we haven’t gotten into it before.
It got me thinking about how I consume TV these days.
I really got into “Bones” during season 6. I then found it on Netflix, and binged through it. Same thing with “Burn Notice”. And now, I’m working my way through “Star Trek: TNG” since I saw them in real-time, but I was 7 – 10 years old.
I actually get upset about the Christmas and Summer breaks that shows go on in real-time. I hate having to wait one week at a time to catch the next episode. And it really bugs me that I can only catch shows that are either on Hulu or only after they get to DVD and onto Netflix.
My model of consumption is a completely different model of consumption from how TV is designed.
Netflix gets this. That’s why House of Cards was released all at once. I didn’t get it when it was released, but as I jump from episode to episode of these shows, I totally get it now.
Once sports leagues figure out how to make money from the cable-free crowd (and MLB is leading the pack on this one with MLB.tv), I’m going to be an epically happy, TV-watching dude.
All you can eat seems to be swarming media. Music had it forced onto it; TV is being disrupted by new players; but books are sticking to the old ways.
I’ve been looking for a mass consume way to do my one book a month resolution. The SF library has a pretty awesome e-book collection, but a lot of them are browser only. Classics seem to be really hard to find in e-book format, and I’m not finding a simple way to just have a small, digital library from which I can pull books and read.
I wonder if this gap in the market is something that will doom books.
I also wonder if this gap could be filled not for finished books, but as a way for author’s to connect with their audience, crowd source different endings of a book, create an environment for fan fiction to grow, and make distribution a central part of the entire process.
If music artists need concerts and to sell t-shirts in a post-CD world, then what’s the platform for authors? And how do I mass consume books?