One of my New Year resolutions for 2013 is to give up french fries. Holy smokes – this is going to be hard 🙁
French fries are a standard across any fast food restaurant. Fine. I don’t eat at many fast food restaurants. Thank you resolution from 2011!
But it’s still an incredibly standard affair. Sandwiches, burgers, and even pizza places have french fries as a side dish. The kids want it. Other people order it not knowing any better. And resisting stealing one off of a plate is torture.
The first thing to get you is the smell. You can actually smell the salt on the fries when you haven’t had any in a while.
Then, it’s the hunger pangs. I had a burger and salad the other day, and I was still hungry. I’m never hungry when I have fries. And there they were on Mike’s plate begging to be eaten.
Finally, as everyone stands up to walk away, it’s the feeling that I, yes I, could save the day, and finish off that plate by eating the last remaining fries. I’m doing world hunger a favor. I need to appreciate having food by finishing it.
Until the bus boy comes by, takes the plates, and ends the misery.
This giving up french fries thing is going to be a lot harder than I realized…