There aren’t many examples of aging gracefully on my side of the family.
My grandfather on my dad’s side I barely remember being healthy (though I remember him living life fully and with a smile). My grandfather on my mom’s side was an ox, but then pneumonia & cancer got the better of him as well.
On my dad’s side, my grandmother has dementia.
Physical problems slow down the grandmother on my mom’s side (though she’s done amazingly well, and so maybe she’s the exception that proves the rule).
That’s why when I see Mike (my father-in-law) chase the kids, help paint the house, and chase after Micky, it blows my mind. The family of his who I have met (Patty, Monica) are equally well put together. I think it’s really great for the kids.
I talked to a financial adviser who told me that if I lived to be 95 years old, I’d need some big number millions of dollars to pay for my needs. I laughed. I’ve never wanted to live past 70 because in our family it doesn’t happen gracefully. But maybe it’s still possible…