just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on January photo theme – emergence

January photo theme – emergence

Amelia got a camera for Christmas as she’s obsessed with taking photos. She runs around with no regard for composition or subject, and just takes photos. It’s actually incredibly liberating if you ask me. Since I got a 5D from my family for my birthday, I’ve been shooting a lot more as well.

The amplifize crew is doing a monthly photography theme as a group motivation tactic to take photos. This month’s theme is emergence thanks to John Shen. Here is one of my favorites so far:

Birds flying in the morning
Birds flying in the morning
just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on My new front yard

My new front yard

Lots of family stress & sickness means that this post is two days late 🙁

The new house is in the Sunset. We’re about one mile away from the ocean, and so yesterday after we were done walking through the house we decided to head over to the beach. We started at the coffee shop at Judah and Great Highway. Then Micky and Mike headed home while the kids and I went to the beach for a quick toe dip into the Pacific Ocean.

As I watched them run around the sand I realized that Ocean Beach was my new front yard. Golden Gate Park will be the extension of my new back yard. And the kids are going to grow up with so many great choices about where to go and what to do all within biking distance.

The rest of the wonder I’ll leave to the photos.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on This week in review

This week in review

This week was epic. Everything was down, then up, and then down again. I’m emotionally spent, and I’m physically exhausted.

Monday morning Micky woke up screaming in pain. We had to call an ambulance, and she headed off to the ER. Unfortunately, Amelia had woken up, and so she saw it all. She understood that her mom was in pain, and that she had to go see the doctor. I got her back to sleep thanks to the big bean bag, and the Bay Bridge light show, but that was total chaos.

At the same time, the whole company was in town to do homecoming. It was going to be a long week anyway, and Monday morning started it off with a bang!

Tuesday was really good because Aydin came into town for his annual pilgrimage. We changed plans because of Micky’s back pain, but otherwise we were off and running.

Wednesday I had a good work day; but a weird personal day. In chauffeuring Micky, Aydin dinged the car. Everyone freaked out. When I came home, I saw the damage, and it really wasn’t that big of a deal. It sucks. It’s a nice, new car. But at the end of the day, no one was hurt. And it really doesn’t matter. It’s just a car. But a weird day nonetheless.

Thursday, Aydin headed out to visit the Pacific. I finally felt like it was a normal day. Micky’s dad came into town, and the kid’s went to the airport to pick him up. It seemed as if we’d turned a corner… but alas.

When I got home, Amelia got sick. Micky ran in, and picked her up, throwing out her back… again. Back to the ER. A long night.

The next day, we couldn’t send the kids to school (fevers), couldn’t leave Micky by herself (bad back), and also had Mike to consider. It was a hard day with a lot of angry words. Finally though, the drugs kicked in (everyone’s), and somehow we saved the day. The big news… we closed on the house!

So the weekend has allowed us to recover. Tomorrow is a day off, and I think that will help as well. I’ve definitely hit a wall (and I’m 100% sure I’m getting sick), but the roller coaster has stopped.

I’ll finish with my new favorite Dr. Seuss line from “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”:

Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day,
from here to there,
funny things are everywhere.



Life Updates, Uncategorized 3 comments on Aydin’s annual pilgrimage

Aydin’s annual pilgrimage

Every year since about 2002 (for argument’s sake. I can’t actually remember), my father, Aydin Yardim, and I have met in Las Vegas during CES to ring in the new year; eat at a steakhouse; and get in a show.

It’s become the one family tradition which is constant and memorable.

The trip always starts in Las Vegas, but also tends to find its way to the Pacific Ocean where an annual pilgrimage is performed. It may be January, but the ocean can still speak warmth despite its cold temperature. We’ve done road trips up and down CA-1. Visits to Portland and Seattle have happened. Funny stories about late night visits to BnBs with only one bed left are still told today.

Aydin also holds the title of only person who has visited me at every house at which I’ve ever lived. I actually don’t know if this is true for homes in NC, but it’s definitely true of homes in San Francisco.

Put it all together, and you get a fun week with family we don’t get to see enough of, making memories that we tell stories about for years to come. On to the photos 🙂



Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on Always late to the music party

Always late to the music party

I recently heard “Jar of Hearts” by Christina Perri on the radio. I was super psyched to have found a new moody song to listen to. Check it out here:

I just looked it up on Wikipedia (as I didn’t see it listed on any charts), and it turns out it’s a 3-year old song 🙂

I do this all of the time. I remember I found “Viva La Vida” by ColdPlay, and then told my brother about this awesome new song. He told me it’d been out for years.

I’ve never been one to really keep up with music. I just find something that I like, and then over play it to the point where I can’t stand it. Then I move on to the next one. I’m also rather disappointed in how similar all of the radio stations in San Francisco are. How many top 20 stations can one city really support? It just doesn’t make sense.

Maybe one of the new music services will become a favorite and save me… otherwise, it would be nice if someone told me what was cool in a weekly newsletter, and I’ll keep up that way 🙂

Entrepreneurism, Uncategorized 0 comments on Finally, 42 launches their project!

Finally, 42 launches their project!

This was Tuesday’s blog post, but I didn’t publish it in time. 2 in a row is bad. It won’t happen again!

My favorite (or maybe #1a) manager of all time, Eishay Smith, and his startup, 42, Inc. (inspired by the answer to all things), have launched their first product – finally. It’s called kifi, and I signed up tonight. I haven’t had a chance to play with it, but based on the intro slides it could be another riff on the social content 2.0/conversation angle (good thing amplifize is just a hobby!).

Some surface thoughts:

  • It’s gorgeous, but no surprise as I think I know who the genius is behind the design
  • Content is culled and organized through a bookmarklet interface. I can tell anyone who will listen that I think this is the right way to bring content into a conversation platform (having found how hard readers are to build from personal experience). The challenge is folks remembering that it’s there and making it part of their browsing pattern.
  • Tags are a big piece. Again, I think a lot of the value comes from ontologies, and the power they provide to create value through organization. Hopefully smart sharing, muting, and discovery come down quickly as the data engine behind kifi gets smarter.

While I only know two of the folks involved, they are big time winners, and so I’m confident that the team will find a way to win. Good luck Eishay and team!

Entrepreneurism, Uncategorized 0 comments on Why content 2.0 is hard

Why content 2.0 is hard

This is Monday’s blog post, but it posted 2 days late… Oops 🙂

Facebook just announced that they acquired Branch – a conversation platform – today.

This would have put the heat on amplifize had I been pursuing it, and I’ll tell you why. Between Google Reader, the websites that already have epic conversation modes (reddit, digg, etc), and the untracked, but still relevant flow, of link passing through email, the demand for sharing and discussing relevant, and targeted, content is clear. The business model is not.

The challenges in that arena are the following:

  1. CPA per my testing is about $8-$10 when buying users off Facebook
  2. LTV is incredibly low
  3. Alternatives are readily available
  4. Defensibility is low
  5. And here’s the doozy… The content you’re trying to monetize on top of is already available for free on the web setting the value of content very close to $0.

The solutions to 1, 3, & 4 are very well linked. Create an amazing product that compels folks to invite their friends simultaneously decreasing CPA while making the switching cost that much more expensive through network effects.

I know amplifize could have achieved that goal given time and resource. (Aside: what Branch did that was much smarter was not try to be a reader AND a conversation platform. They are inherently separate audiences, and by addressing both we (at least) doubled the work we had to do to succeed.)

And I’m sure that by using social login, sharing and discovery of Branch was much easier. I didn’t get there, and so I can’t speak to its effects on CPA, but those guys did a great job of helping a user broadcast content to their existing networks while building a compelling reason to come to Branch thereafter.

But there’s just no quick and dirty way around issues 2 & 5. And that’s where the problem lies for Flipboard, reddit, digg, amplifize, and, ultimately it seems, Branch.

My vision to solve this problem for amplifize was that user-powered curation was the future of monetizing content. A modern newspaper should only deliver the content I want and it should know how much I can consume and when I consume it. If I only read 3 long form articles per week, and only on Sunday, then have my Sunday edition be that. If I always read the top sports news Monday morning, then, bam, there’s my Monday edition. All of this can be built by watching my patterns of consuming, sharing, engaging, and dropping off. Simultaneously, by tagging content, or describing it in certain ways, I implicitly build an ontology that creates the sections of my own personal newspaper. It may not be A1, Local, Sports, but Comics, Technology, and Page Six. All implicitly observed and explicitly packaged for me, by me.

And my vision involved finding a way to do so at 50¢ per day with a $1.50 Sunday edition – using pricing nostalgia to connect old and new.

The modern editor is everyone. However, if the signals disappeared because the conversations moved to everyone’s existing social network, then creating the daily digest would become impossible. That’s why this acquisition would have created sleepless nights.

I don’t know where Branch was going to take their vision, and I’m now really excited to see what Facebook does with it. But I think that ultimately they too fell victim to the allure of a huge demand without cracking the CPA/LTV nut that had the goodies inside.

And this is why content 2.0 is hard.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on The week in review

The week in review

What a wonderful week this one was 🙂

Getting back to work full time was actually really hard. I think it did everyone a lot of good though. There’s been a lot of late nights, waking up on funky schedules, and the like. It was getting to be too much for all of us :-/

Luka started pre-preschool this week.

I went to CES in Las Vegas with my dad and Aydin. It was fantastic!

With my dad and Doruk here this weekend, we got to do a bunch of family bonding. My dad and I swam with the kids, and then afterwards we went to Benihana for dinner. The kids love the show and the food (and so do I). It took me 4 years, but I finally converted Micky as well.

Today we went to soccer, and then created an awesome brunch. Turkey bacon is delicious, and something we’ll get into the fridge more often methinks. Amelia is on a weird no-nap kick, and somehow we have to break it. The hard part is she passes out at 4:30ish, and it just makes for a long afternoon. All the while, Micky was up in Marin having fun with friends. It was an awesome day.

We took my dad to the airport before dinner, and then Doruk to the airport after the kid’s bed time. Great week, and a great weekend to top it all off.

On to the next one!