I feel like I’m applying for colleges all over again…
Amelia went to her first preschool interview today. I’m sure it went as well as it could. But it’s a really unnerving experience. One school (who took a $90 application fee) didn’t even invite us to an interview. This school today spent an hour getting to know the kids (which I think is really awesome), but I don’t know how they compare Amelia (2.5 years old) with kids who are older (some who just missed the cut-off, and so are almost 3.5 years old). I know they know, but the fact that I don’t is unnerving.
There are a few other schools in the hopper as well. One of them is blind admission, and so it’s 100% based on the essay we wrote.
If my college admissions rate is an indicator there, then poor Amelia š
It’s hard too because wherever she ends up, there’s almost a certainty that Luka is there as well. I don’t love that scenario because I do think he’d be better off at his own school, but the logistics of it are awful.
So fingers crossed today went well. I really like this school, and if it worked out, then we’d be ecstatic.