As I’m in the car a bit more than I was in the past, I’ve been getting back into the swing of listening to podcasts. One of my favorites is Startups for the rest of us.

I went to their conference in Las Vegas back in 2012, and I’ve worked my way through a fat chunk of their back log as well. I’ve shared it with a ton of folks, and all of a sudden one of the folks I shared it with is making a go of it.

I’m not going to say who or what yet, but I’m really quite excited to see what happens as he tries to bootstrap his way towards a SaaS business. The customer is already there. The LTV is already vetted. It’s really just about execution.

As soon as I can, I’m going to update how well it worked, but getting to apply the learning of all of the listening is going to be a fun experiment.

Good luck <name redacted>!