So I’ve fallen epically behind. I’ll catch up tonight, and then get back to it, but it’s not going to be pretty
This week has been a blur of working late, waking up early, doing chores around the house, and feeling like there isn’t enough time. I don’t have any photos that I’ve taken, or stories that I really want to share. I want to make sure weeks like this happen rarely, but I’m worried that there will be more rather than less of them.
My one fun data point is that I bought a new exercise game for the XBox. It’s called Your Shape Fitness, and I think it’s going to be awesome. So far, I’ve done some warm up stuff, and a few of the hip hop classes. I’ve definitely forgotten how to move… and so it’s going to be awkward š
However, I’ll get back to it, and I’ll make some magic happen I hope. Kids sleep. 30 minutes a night. Before you know it, I’m sexy again.
Until then, here’s to a week that’s less chaotic.