This idea was contributed by the dear and wonderful Saket. If you have an idea, then please let me know it!

If the 20 year old version of yourself received $100,000 in cash, what would he do with it? What would you do with it now?

Thank you Saket. Great question.

If at 20 years old, I’d gotten $100k I would have:

  • Put it into my 401k, ROTH, and then spend a bunch in Vegas

I genuinely think it would have been that boring. I wouldn’t have been brave enough to drop out of school to start a company. I wouldn’t have been smart enough to buy real estate (when I was 20, the market was just recovering from the tech crash and 9/11), and I definitely wouldn’t have been crazy enough to buy $100k worth of epic parties.

Gosh I was really boring then.

And now… I’d put the money in the kids 529s 🙂

Still boring.

The crazy thing is I realized that $100k to the 20 year old me would have blown my mind. Now, I’m thinking…

  • Well, 50% probably goes to taxes so it’s really only $50k
  • And then I’ve got these bills to pay
  • Oh yeah, Micky wanted to do that thing
  • No, no, we should invest it in our savings
  • Actually, let me just get ahead of paying for that MIT tuition for Amelia

Oh me 🙂