I’m in a bad place.

Ian used to tell me all of the time how I’d get stuck in ruts, and it was my job as a leader in the company to get out, and help move people forward. But I’m in one of those ruts where it just feels like it’s too hard to do.

It’s really coming from every direction too.

Luka tells me he doesn’t want me. He doesn’t like me. He only likes his mom. (Amelia does the opposite to Micky. It’s just purely mean).

My dad busted his tooth, and I found out because I’m on a WhatsApp group with a bunch of students working on a project he and I are brainstorming together. If I weren’t on that group, then I’d never have found out.

The family is sick. I’m allergic to the backyard for the next month until all of this pollen goes away.

I’ve lost 40% capacity on the PM side at work, and that’s just plain hard. There’s a bunch of other stuff here too, but I’ll publish those another day.

I don’t know where to win. I don’t know where the next win is coming from. And most of all, and actually scariest of all, I don’t know if it will be enough. But damn do I need a win right now 🙁