Today is the last day of my 12-week LTF program.
Back in January, I saw on Hulu that DailyBurn were doing a month free. I thought, why not. Let’s go for it. They took me through an awesome on boarding flow, and then suggested that I do LTF with Ben Booker for the next 12 weeks.
Holy smokes it’s been fantastic. Weight training 4 days per week. Cardio 2 days per week. A box. 2 sets of dumb bells. And I’ve lost weight, gained muscle mass. Gotten stronger. Feel more fit.
The jokes were cheesy the first time, but hearing them every week for 12-weeks almost made them funny. The cast of characters got into with the lead trainer which was encouraging, and actually helped come back daily. It was quick. High impact.
It’s a truly awesome program.
If you’re disciplined enough to work out on your own, then I would highly encourage you try out DailyBurn. And if your profile gives you the chance to choose Live To Fail (LTF), do it. You’ll enjoy the ride!