just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on My $140 date night

My $140 date night

It all started when we saw the trailer for The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. We knew we would go on opening night because that’s our people.

So I pre-ordered the tickets because a Friday night at the Kabuki Theater is quite the crap shoot for a good seat. That’s $11 per ticket plus a $3 processing fee. Oh, and by the way, I print out the damn ticket so whatever they’re processing isn’t the ticket.

So far, we’re at $30 let’s call it.

Then, we have to get the babysitter. And we love her to death. She’s amazing. The going rate in San Francisco is $20 per hour. And the movie starts at 8pm which means she has to put the kids to bed. So she might as well come early enough to calm any fears, and successfully put the kids to bed. It means 4 hours of babysitting – another $80.

Now we’re at $110.

And it’s not a movie without snacks. Humphrey Slocum ice cream, two drinks, and a small popcorn will cost you a smooth $30. Isn’t that lovely?

So we got to $140.

Don’t worry about the $4 parking garage fee. At that point, who cares?

Oh man, and we wonder why we never go out anywhere ๐Ÿ™

At least the movie was fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on That look in her eyes…

That look in her eyes…

I really need to dig into this whole no yelling thing. But they don’t sleep. And then work is just a bear right now. And we have no nanny. And it just feels as if there have been, and will be coming up, a ton of solo parent days/nights.

But holy smokes that look in her eyes.

And all she asked that I do was not yell at her. To just speak kindly to her. About a cup of milk for God’s sake.

I’ve lost all patience for the world. All restraint to jump from zero to a thousand. But I won’t forget that look in her eyes. And hopefully it will slow me down. Hopefully it will stop me.

Because I don’t want to see it again.

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on Won’t the sharing economy decouple itself from the marketplaces?

Won’t the sharing economy decouple itself from the marketplaces?

When we first moved into the house, we had an one-off insurance policy to fix plumbing, appliances, roof, etc. I called them once, they sent over a fantastic plumber, and I never called them again. You see, they found a way to not cover anything, and all I really needed was access to a good plumber.

Why isn’t this exact same thing happening, or going to happen, to Uber, Handy, Munchery, etc.?

All of these applications are marketplaces. However, none of them (and I haven’t power used Handy yet so I don’t know how true this is for them) create a relationship between me and my service provider.

I know my plumber, and so I trust him to come to the house and fix things.

Same with my contractor (because houses break).

Same with my gardener (because Micky loves the backyard).

In a similar vein, I know my doctor, my dentist, and I trust that they will be there when I go in for an appointment.

Why then wouldn’t I want to know my chef? Or my driver? Or the painters I’ve hired?

And if the apps don’t build this in for me (e.g. allowing me to request favorites when they’re available, creating relationships with the service providers before they come to me, etc.), then why wouldn’t I just do it myself?

I’ve never asked an Uber driver for their card so I could just call them directly next time… but I could. It would let me pay them without having to pay Uber. I could give them the tip they deserve, and not the one that Uber splits with them. All of the incentives are there for this business owner to branch out and create his own clientele list.

It’s the kind of thing my grandfather would definitely have done by now.

Our Handy tryout today wrote us a nice note about the work that she did, and suggested at the end that we create a one-on-one relationship without Handy as an intermediary. She’s already thinking that way.

I’m really curious how… on a long enough time horizon… these services expect to keep the talent. I know agencies have these problems because my favorite contractor (one Garret Riddle) tends to freelance out whenever he wants to, and then come back when he’s tired of doing BD.

Get enough clients and word of mouth, and you don’t need the marketplace anymore. And then what happens to Uber’s valuation?

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on What I’m doing for Lent 2015

What I’m doing for Lent 2015

Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! This year for Lent I’m going to focus on 2 things:

  1. Not yelling at the kids – This has been a bad trend lately… Luka is being a pain in the ass. Amelia is acting like she’s six months old at times. And all I want to do is get out the door, and start my day. But the truth is, I don’t. I want to stay at home just as much they do. I want to play one more game of Family just like Amelia does, or one more round of baseball like Luka does. But I just can’t. Morning meetings. Long nights because I’m not getting stuff done during the day. And so when I just need shoes on, and coats picked up, and bags carried, it’s too easy to freak out.

    But for the next 40 days, I’m not going to let myself do it because it’s not fair to the kids, and it’s not what I want to teach them to do either.

    It’s going to be hard…

  2. Not cheating on my weight loss – I’m exercising every day of the week for about 30 minutes. And I’m losing no weight. The culprit HAS to be food. At work, I cheat too many chocolates or chips. On the weekends, I have too many big meals.

    I’m going to really focus on what I eat, how much I exercise, and make sure that both are aligned towards my goal of losing weight. I think if I do it right, I’ll be down to 187 by Easter.

    That would be really wonderful.

So there you have it. My two big goals. I always share publicly to get help from others. If you need help, then let me know yours, and I’ll be there ๐Ÿ™‚

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 5 comments on Am I the only one – Jordanian edition

Am I the only one – Jordanian edition

I remember in high school that my French teacher, and one of the strongest leftist influences in my life, Fabienne took us to a talk at UNC about the death penalty. The person speaking was the son of the Rosenbergs who were executed for spying for the Soviets, and giving them nuclear secrets.

It turns out that the government was right about Julius, but not about Ethel.

And so started my walk down becoming a pretty staunch anti-death penalty advocate.

Over the years I learned more, and everything I learned seemed to point me to the conviction that the death penalty is inherently wrong.

And now the country of Jordan has given me another data point.

These two executions carried out this morning are simply revenge killings. All over the world, we’re condemning ISIS as a band of extremists whose tactics and values are outdated, and unwelcome in the modern world.

And yet, in a moment where we can test that belief, we fall prey to Hammurabi’s code – “an eye for an eye” instead of focusing on our own modern values – right to a fair trial, punishment that fits the crime, etc.

I don’t know if Jordan holds to these values.

But the question I’ve been asking myself today is – who’s actually the worse offender here? ISIS for standing by their barbaric values and executing a prisoner of war. Or Jordan for responding in an equally barbaric way while decrying those barbaric values?

Am I the only one who thinks it’s Jordan?

Adventures in beekeeping, Uncategorized 5 comments on My beekeeping adventure begins

My beekeeping adventure begins

And so it begins…

Last week I went to a beekeeping class. The teachers were hilarious. They just kept making fun of each other. Some of them do it for fun like I will. One of them does it as a side business. It’s pretty amazing to see how into it they still are after 8, 10, 15 years.

The warnings are stark… you will fail. You will have a hard time keeping them alive. It is expensive to get started.

But the opportunities are there too… lots of honey, lots of wax (chap stick forever!), and a whole new hobby to explore.

I’m really excited because it gives me a hobby that isn’t technology. It gives me a pet who I can leave for a month at a time, and it will be ok. And it gives me something really fun to do with the kids that also teaches them about simpler things.

So after class number one, I’ve sat here tonight and looked at multiple bee equipment vendors finding the least expensive one. There’s a tie between two of them, and the guy teaching the class had a very clear winner in his eyes.

I think I’ll go with that one, but I’m going to call them to see if it’s even cheaper than I thought. Then we’ll build the hive. Take one more class in March. And then the bees show up in April.

Then we rock and roll.

Here’s the crazy thing… your bees take about 6 weeks toร‚ย find themselves. Well in that six weeks, the only bee that you bought that will still be alive will be the queen. The rest will have died, and the queen will have repopulated her hive.

And in 18 months when she can’t lay any more eggs? Well, they off her, find a new queen, and start all over again.

Crazy, huh?

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on AHHHHHHHH!


I very rarely find myself wishing this blog were anonymous or that I could just go off on folks without needing to consider being an adult and the ramifications of not being an adult.

But holy shit has it been one of those weeks.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming… I guess I’ll scream in a pillow instead.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 5 comments on This week in review

This week in review

This was a week of ending our holiday, and getting back into the swing of things back home.

It all started with Uncle Dan’s wedding in Edinburgh. First of all, why is it pronounced borough, but spelled burgh? Someone has to figure that one out for me. The wedding was lovely, and the reception was fantastic. Amelia had a phenomenal dress sewn together by Wendy, and Luka looked the part as well.

We then moved to the southern coast of England to see Abbey and Dave (Amelia and Freddi hit it off like champs, and Luka learned a few sword tricks from Elliot), took a detour to see Mike (because central heating is NOT overrated), and then up to Michael and Justine’s for a New Year’s bash. It’s essentially a perfect hit list to end a trip.

Once we got home on New Year’s Day, it’s been all about jet lag ๐Ÿ™

1am wake up; 2:30am wake up; 4am wake up, and I’m hoping that tomorrow is the day we crack it. I’m feeling lucky ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s also been a week of watching the babies grow up too fast. Using forks and knives properly. The way they speak and communicate with us and each other. Amelia riding her bike that Santa brought for Christmas. It’s all too much, too fast.

And so it goes… on to the photos and a cute video ๐Ÿ™‚

Dancing robots

New Year Resolutions, Uncategorized 1 comment on A year in preview

A year in preview

My 2015 New Year’s resolutions for all to see, and to help hold me accountable.

Lose 30 pounds

I hopped on the scale after landing from the plane today at a very unhealthy 199ร‚ย pounds.ร‚ย In 364 days, I’ll be a much healthier 169 pounds if I hit this goal. I’d love to be at 175 poundsร‚ย as a minimum, but 30 pounds would be good for the soul.

Read 12 books

I read a lot more this year than I have for a really long time, and I really enjoyed it. I’m going to go for it again, and read 12 books this year!

Food-related resolutions

  • Sugar/honey in my tea only once per day (this resolution is suspended when in the South, and drinking sweet tea)
  • Increase my list of things I can cook beyond kofte, rice, and salad

Business-related resolutions

I have 3 very specific goals to hit at TokBox this year, and I’m going to hit all three with roaring success. Within those goals are business, people, and product objectives all of which I’m hoping to write about with gusto over the course of the year.

I’m also adding a stretch goal of building the mobile versions of Amplifize and re-launching AboutMyDive.com (as I’d like to dive a bunch this year).

Personal-related resolutions

I want to end the year knowing that I’ve done a better job with relationships than I have the last few years. There’s no great way to measure this. It’s really just a feeling more than anything else. But I do know that I want to be better at it, and I’m going to work on it.

Here’s to a wonderful 2015 (that I’ll fully document here for everyone to see)!

Life Updates, New Year Resolutions, Uncategorized 0 comments on A year in review

A year in review

This was set to auto publish a few days ago, but it didn’t. And so while it’s publishing on January 3rd, it was meant to be published on December 31st. My bad ๐Ÿ™‚

New Year’s Resolutions

I did awfully with my new year’s resolutions this year. I only blogged everyday about half of the year. I only made it to October with the no french fries, and then fell completely off of the bandwagon. And while I read a ton more than I have in the past few years (really since high school when I stopped reading), I still didn’t get up to one book a month.

Bad year for New Year’s Resolutions, but not for a lack of trying ๐Ÿ™‚

A year of music

The kids discovered the radio in splendid fashion. A quick survey of the family found that the most popular song of the year was…

None other than “Let it Go” – Idina Menzel – Frozen. The kids also loved a variety of pop songs as they get their dad’s taste in music. Singing in the car is now a family tradition that even Micky is getting in on. And that’s absolutely wonderful.

A year of milestones

Micky turned 40. I turned 30.

Amelia got into Children’s Day School, and had her “first day of school”.

Luka talks like a fiend, hugs like a vise, and is the best kiss on the cheek anywhere in town.

We bought a house, and reworked the backyard into an absolutely wonderful play land for adults and kids a like.

I got a promotion, and built a team that I think is going to have a stellar 2015. I led the effort on the TokBox side to build a Mozilla/Telefonica/TokBox partnership.

A year in travel

I visited Scotland for the first time getting as far north as 56 degrees north latitude. We also went to the New Forest where I snaked off for an afternoon and saw Southampton beat Everton 3-0.

I also got to do some business trips to Shenzen, Tokyo, and Seoul – though none for more than a day! I also did a day trip to Madrid, and a few quick trips to London as well.

In Turkey, we saw Istanbul for the first time as a family, and also made a go of the Aegean coast by seeing Kalkan and the surrounding area (including Patara which was amazing).

Good-bye 2014

It was a great year for me, and the family. Here’s to many more. Thanks for joining me on the ride ๐Ÿ™‚