Surprise (Part IV)
Someone, I think it was Patrick Lie, told me that your brain can be rewired when you have your first kid. That it was an evolutionary way for us to learn to be parents.
My reprogramming came in my immune system.
In college, I’d get some bug every year, and it would knock me out. I’d crash at my mom’s house for a week, and be both sad and pathetic – maybe a little bit on purpose.
That continued when I moved out west, and I just figured my immune system, having been ravaged by bronchitis, allergies, poison ivy, and the like – just took a week’s vacation every year.
Ian always gave me shit for “letting myself get sick”. I think that’s a direct quote, but if not it’s pretty close 🙂
Then Amelia came.
Maybe it was because I’ve always gotten my flu shot since we were first pregnant. Or maybe I genuinely reprogrammed myself as Patrick suggested. But for the last 3.5 years, I’ve been sick every day of my life, but never knocked out for more than one day at a time.
It’s an epically new state of being, and while I’m really tired of constantly having a runny nose this whole not being passed out thing is fantastic.
I don’t know if it lasts into my thirties, but long may it be the case.
In the words of our fearless leader – “I don’t have time to be sick”