So I’m very clearly far behind in posting. I’m going to radically update a bunch of dates, and I’m hoping to get caught back up on the New Year’s resolutions quickly!
But don’t worry… I’m alive and well 🙂
So I’m very clearly far behind in posting. I’m going to radically update a bunch of dates, and I’m hoping to get caught back up on the New Year’s resolutions quickly!
But don’t worry… I’m alive and well 🙂
Flew home today.
The flight was easy. The Tube strike meant there was chaos on the rode, and the driver was freaking out. People freak out about things that just don’t matter. If we’re late, then we’re late. It’s going to be fine.
Hopped on the plane. Landed. First one off the plane, and through customs. Hopped into the car, and straight to the office 🙁
Worked through some late night meetings, got home, kissed Micky.
I woke up today at 4:30am, and got downstairs. The driver and I (a huge Arsenal fan who also skipped last night’s game) picked up Ian, and headed to the airport. We hopped on the flight, and headed to Madrid!
It was probably the best possible way to get the most time. The full 2 hour plane ride was diving deep into process, organization, and strategy. I asked a million questions. I got a million and one answers. We went deep, we went wide.
When we got to Telefonica headquarters, I got my badge (which is a process), setup camp, and kept going.
Right around the non-Spanish lunch hour of noon, we bought got hungry. Ian didn’t think the cafeteria would be open, but we said screw it, and headed down there. Got some fried rice. Talked about life.
Ian had a meeting to hop into, and I was going to catch Jorge to talk shop as well. Ian headed out, and apparently I passed out. Next thing I know it’s 4pm (the meeting was at 3:30), but it all worked out, we met up, and we’re off.
When we got back to the UK, Fiona picked us up, and we headed to Bray. We went to a fancy pub, and ate good food, and laughed the night away.
Good day.
One of the perks of being bought by Telefonica is definitely their international presence. Ian got pulled up into the machine, and so I headed out to London last night to do some product team jam sessions with him.
I landed, hopped into a car, and I was at the office “fresh” and ready to go.
I hopped into a few meetings with other folks across the org, and then got about an hour of organization and story telling feedback. Headed to the hotel with every intention of passing out… but… there was an Arsenal game at the Emirates which is just 2 miles up.
I desperately wanted to go, but a 4:30am wake up call, and a flight to Madrid tomorrow made my decision.
So Arsenal have won their game 3-0. And I’m heading to bed 🙂
I’m off to London. I’ve totally missed posting this week because it’s been crazy with sickness, Wendy heading out of town, and the like. I’ll just post a few photos, and call it a blog post.
There’s a place called Slide Ranch by Muir Beach in the North Bay… and it’s amazing!
It’s a working farm, and today they held an open house for kids. They were showing folks how to make pickles, milk goats, sheer a sheep, and a bunch more. We went to gym, hooked up with the Greens, and then made our way over to Muir Beach.
I get so nauseas going north on CA1. It’s just too windy for me. But we were only on it for 10 miles or so to get to the farm. We got our stickers, and headed straight for the goat milking. I tried to get the kids to do it, but they wouldn’t. I jumped in, and it didn’t go so well 🙂
The babies got face paint done. Amelia got a black sheep and a bee. Luka a tiger!
We had a picnic lunch, checked out the bee hives & chicken coop, and then ended our adventure by trying to felt a cat. That went awfully 🙂
It was tons of fun though!
Now for the pictures…
I always make fun of Saket when he does music posts because it’s always some random, obscure artist no one has ever heard of. Well now it’s my turn 🙂
This weekend when we went up the coast to Jenner, we came back down CA-1, and found a cute little bakery. This group of gals setup shop, and started playing, and the music was quite good.
It’s a bit Dixie Chicks, but also a bit more musical and a bit more blue grass. The music was great. Amelia and Luka both got into it, but were quite embarrassed about putting money in the tip hat. So it goes. When he finally got the guts to do it, Luka didn’t want to stop (a.k.a take money out and then put it back in). Silly boy.
I would generally say don’t listen to me when it comes to music, but I know I’m right on this one – this is a cool group of gals to spend an evening jamming to.
All photos, all the time 🙂
Well, maybe a little intro. We headed up to Jenner, CA for Easter weekend, and we had an awesome time. No cell phone connection though. On the way back, we got cell coverage for about 100 yards in Bodega Bay where I got a text message saying that a candidate had accepted an offer to join the team.
Man that’s a huge win!
And now photos 🙂
We celebrated Geoff’s 70th birthday tonight.
We actually missed the real deal back in February. We just couldn’t make it back to the UK, and ended up missing two big milestones (Dan turned 30 as well). Instead, we’ve brought Wendy and Geoff up to Bodega Bay (their favorite), and found a cool house (with a hot tub) to hang out.
We spent today at Goat Rock State Park. It was epically windy. But man was it fun. Folks have built a bunch of lean-tos, and other structures. We hid behind a dune and had an awesome picnic. It was a really great day with the family, Wendy, and Geoff.
Then we cooked an awesome Turkish dinner – kofte, shepherd’s salad, yogurt, and then had some dessert. It’s a great weekend to celebrate a great guy.
Happy birthday Geoff.
Mike shared this video
with me yesterday. I forgot where he found it, but it’s an amazing story.
People talk all the time about how sports bring people together. The power of the Olympics, the World Cup, an exhibition game amongst once bitter enemies and now tentative friends.
And yet, large sporting projects usually lead to massive gentrification of neighborhoods. Mass protests in Brazil marred the Confederations Cup. The money that’s in the sporting leagues these days. Empty stadiums because sponsors couldn’t possibly give away enough tickets.
I think stories like this are the exception, and no longer the rule. Sports is becoming a bottomless pit of money. The purity of the games is left to kids playing in parks, streets, and boats around the world.
And I think that the power of sport is in giving those kids the dreams. Too bad the reality is becoming so sour.