Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on This week in review

This week in review

Not a lot of sleep. Micky being in NYC fills the whole house with weird creaks, and this strange sensation that every noise is someone out to get me (or maybe I’ve watched too much Burn Notice…).

The week ended well, and the weekend was even better. Saturday was good family bonding. Sunday was good bonding with the Green family. It’s really fun to just let the kids go wild in the backyard or in the park. It’s also really interesting to see different kids blooming and becoming people across their very short lifetimes.

The magic of today may actually have been NC State getting into the NCAA tournament. I’m picking them to go all the way baby! I love this time of year just for that. Let’s see if there’s magic to this team (feels like an ’83 kind of year).

On to the next one 🙂


Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on The tax man wins again :-(

The tax man wins again :-(

I just dropped off the check to our CPA to pay for his services. I really like the guy, but the results have been a bit brutal lately. Getting smart about finances and money management has been hard for us.

We’ve nailed budgets in Mint (what an awesome tool. I really wish they’d hired me sometimes).

We’re finally saving again post house acquisition.

But man oh man I don’t understand taxes at all, and I don’t get how to optimize for them. I really wish there was a dummies guide to living in Silicon Valley, getting Silicon Valley wages, and still feeling like the tax code isn’t screwing you. I guess the title is too long to fit onto the cover of the book though :-p

Eric stepped in and gave us a low down of what to do this year… which is really nice, but we learned the lesson two years too late.

Oh man this growing up thing can suck.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on Ending the week with a smile

Ending the week with a smile

Today so many good things have happened.

Micky came home last night, and we went out to breakfast as a family. The kids had their chocolate pancakes. We had our breakfast foods. And then we dropped the babies off at school. It was a really nice family breakfast (even though I spilled iced tea all over myself).

I had a fun lunch with Betsy (and even though she’s leaving, we laughed anyway).

I had a good outbound event.

I had a good bit of news.

And then I finally got to come home to Micky for the first time this week, and that was really great.

A good work week, and definitely one to remember.

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on Old writing revisited

Old writing revisited

My 12th grade English teacher had us build a writing portfolio of our life’s work up through high school. I told her mine was going to be digital, and that I was going to write it all up as a web page.

I very distinctly remember her telling me that that was a horrible idea. Years later when others still had theirs, I’d wish I still had mine.

I don’t know why this came back to me. Maybe as I’ve been writing, I’ve been thinking a lot about if I’ve improved or not. I read a lot of writing at work, and I challenge that folks can be good writers without editing, writing, and improving in a vicious loop.

And so, with Mrs. H’s voice in my head, I went out to find my old writing portfolio, and it was incredibly easy to do so. It’s sitting exactly where it did 11 years ago when I turned it in.

And you can find it here.

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on Getting out with friends

Getting out with friends

I’ve decided that I need to make a very serious effort to get out, and see folks.

I’m really awful at that. But I’m going to change it. Sometimes, I’ll get to include the babies. Other times, it will be about leaving the office, and not seeing the babies that night. Tonight was one of those nights.

Micky out of town. Genevieve had the babies. And Meg and I made a dash to see “The Monument Men” at the Kabuki Theater. It wasn’t a good movie. But dinner before hand at The Grove Fillmore was a blast. And we just spent the car ride home making fun of folks we both know.

Today was a good night. The first of many because it’s time for me to really start focusing on getting out again.

This is going to be hard 🙁

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 3 comments on Introducing bug hikes

Introducing bug hikes

So it turns out that having a yard, and being by the park, has inspired a whole new activity for the kids… bug hikes!

The kids went out yesterday, and found a mole in the woods. They look for spiders, ants, bees, and anything else that crawls. Genevieve is totally into it too which is great. Amelia is the one requesting it, but they’re both really into it.

And that’s where my dilemma begins…

Amelia is asking to go on bug hikes. I’m really excited that she’s into nature & biology. Hopefully this turns into a life long love for the sciences. It’s too early to say, but it’s definitely a start. And yet, I don’t want to be excited just because my daughter is into bugs. I want to be excited absolutely.

And so if I celebrate her pushing for bug hikes… am I exacerbating stereotypes about girls not being into science? Does chasing bugs count as science? Is the fact that a girl is into dirt busting a stereotype?

Maybe I’m just thinking about it too much…

Forget it, let’s just go on a bug hike, and we’ll worry about the social implications when the time comes 🙂

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on My Coach Mac story

My Coach Mac story

A teacher at Cary Academy passed away this weekend. His name was Dave McAllister. I knew him as an athletic trainer, gym teacher, NC State fan, and a great conversationalist. He gave us shit all of the time because he cared. He always did right by the person first. And I’m incredibly sad that he’s left us. We even shared a birth date. It doesn’t actually make sense (he’s younger than both of my parents), but I guess that’s how life goes.

A bunch of folks are sharing their stories on Facebook, but I wanted to share a few Coach Mac stories here.

I remember driving down the highway once, and this car was stuck between me and a tractor trailer. I noticed that the car had NCSU around the license plate (one of those plate decorators that you screw onto your license plate). Because I was in no rush (I was probably skipping 2nd period where I didn’t have class senior year), I let the car get ahead of me, flashed them a Wolfie sign, and off they went. The car driver smiled at me, flashed the Wolfie sign back, and drove off. When I got to school, and saw Coach Mac getting out of his car, I realized it had been him. It was a connection we were both really proud of (often making fun of my brother in the years since he went to UNC).

As a coach at Cary Academy, he always helped me keep my cool. It’s hard to be hyper competitive, and then have a set of players who just don’t self motivate to do so. He often came down to practice to make jokes (sometimes at the players, often at me), and it kept me grounded, and it helped me out a bunch. He was genuinely fantastic at that.

Man. It’s just not fair. It just doesn’t make sense. Our last interactions were over Facebook helping him brag about taking his son to an Eagles concert, and making fun of Doruk for needing help reading a kid’s book from Amelia. I loved that he was always rooting for me no matter where in the world I was.

RIP Coach Mac.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 2 comments on This week in review

This week in review

The week that Doruk was here.

It’s quite fun to have family around. I think that’s true regardless of who’s side it is. It also becomes a persistent reminder of how far away we are from family. I grew up a very long airplane ride away from my family, and somehow I’d like to make that distance feel much shorter for the babies. So far I think we’ve done a good job, but as flights get more expensive, the family grows, and folks get older and it’s harder for them to travel, I’m not sure how we pull it off. I guess that’s tomorrow’s problem, and so it goes…

What did we do this week? Hmmm….

A visit to Oakland and Brown Sugar kitchen in the rain. Followed that with a trip to the Alameda flea market where I got a snazzy belt!

The week was filled with the chaos of working too much; coming home to the babies & Doruk who were laughing too much; and the joys of having my baby brother around.

Yesterday we went to the beach, and just enjoyed the weather. The moment. It was really nice. When I took the big babies to the airport, it was a perfect ending. Doruk made me laugh the way he left, and I felt like a complete cycle of being together had passed. It was really nice.

Sunday felt like a down day. Luka started his new soccer season. Amelia wanted to join in. We’re going to have to figure that one out… She’s just not that into it, and so we didn’t sign her up… but may she is into it? I played too. It was a disaster 🙁 During my game, Amelia got nailed in the face by a shot. She took it amazingly well. She’s a rock star when it comes to pain.

Then we ended the weekend with good family bonding, and Micky heading to the airport for her trip this week.

Home ownership, Uncategorized 0 comments on Discovering the neighborhood: A walk down Irving

Discovering the neighborhood: A walk down Irving

We walked to the beach today. We were mixing friends (Justine & Baby Renzo), with family (Doruk & Hanna), with beautiful weather. There’s a cool little deli (called Clancey’s Market & Deli) around 41st and Irving where we stopped to have lunch. The sandwiches are amazing. The owner is a great guy. And the prices aren’t San Francisco (which is nice).

It’s also a fantastically easy walk. It’s flat. There’s plenty of things to see, and places to eat, around the way. We saw a cool photography studio. There’s a New Orleans food spot. There’s a surf shop (because I’m clearly going to have to learn).

I think discovering the neighborhood is going to be one of the best parts of having a home. The neighborhood will grow up with us, and we’ll become part of its fabric.

I really love this home ownership thing.

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on Rejection of a two year old

Rejection of a two year old

Here’s a million dollar question…

Should we tell Amelia that she has now been rejected by every school to which we’ve applied?

She’s visited a bunch of them, and is very aware that she visited a bunch of new schools. She has even asked about going back to them when she doesn’t want to go to school. Now we’re scrambling to figure out what to do next. We’ve got one option open that I love, but may be too complicated to pull off from a logistics point of view.

I’m also going to have to scramble and find some schools in the Sunset.

Between it all though, the big question is whether she’s supposed to know. And I don’t know why, but it’s a hard one to figure out 🙁