Life Updates, Uncategorized 1 comment on Dinner party at the new house

Dinner party at the new house

A big chunk of the amplifize crew came over last night to the house. It was our first big dinner party, and we had a real blast. I cooked kofte, rice, and shepherd’s salad. Doruk got lots of wine. The night was spectacular.

The babies helped me cook. Luka is really into cooking, which I think is quite cool. Amelia is quite into being the center of attention 🙂 So it goes. They helped me mix up food in the food processor. Pushing buttons is a delight for them. Which I find genuinely fascinating. Then they shaped the kofte as well. It was going really well until Luka started eating the raw meat. So it goes.

Then babies slept, and the adults had fun. Heather and Brock. Mary, Mat, and Reese. Doruk and Hanna.

It’s funny how a digital family can come together in real life, and mix the two worlds together so well. Some stories start from amplifize articles. Others are about our real lives – problems at work, with the cats. The familiarity is fantastic. So is the genuineness of the moment.

amplifize was not (and won’t be) a commercial success, but I’m really happy with what it’s brought in my life. Fantastic friends. Great conversations. And a smile to lighten up the day.

Becoming a PM, Uncategorized 1 comment on Creating a PM community

Creating a PM community

I jammed with Jason Monberg today who is a really cool cat who came into my world view through Ian. Jason and Ian worked together at MarkLogic.

Jason has a consultancy that’s quite cool. They do both product development as well as product strategy, process consulting, and the like. He’s got a cool office space, and he’s been jamming on starting a PM meetup there.

We talked a lot about what’s valuable in those meetups, and this is a topic I’ve thought about a lot. There is no StackOverflow for product management. Product management is also a lot of things at a lot of places. Finding good templates is hard. Finding tips on actual execution and tactics is tough. Figuring out strategy from insanity requires real mentorship or kinship at times… and neither is readily available.

Product managers need a community. One where they can trust each other; openly discuss how to better the craft; and ultimately feel less lonely when ganged up on by the world.

Jason and I talked about this a lot, and how to pull it off. Hopefully there are some really good ideas that he’s got now to run with because if we can pull this off, then I really believe that the craft will take a big leap forward.

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on This just happened

This just happened

We were in the locker room getting dressed after swimming tonight. Amelia & Luka noticed that another baby from their class was using the hair dryer. They asked to use it, and then this conversation happened:

Amelia: Daddy, you do it first

Me: Amelia, I don’t have any hair to dry

Amelia: No daddy, on your back

Yeah… that just happened.

New Year Resolutions, Uncategorized 0 comments on February book update

February book update

Book update for the New Year’s resolution:

I’m reading, in parallel, three books. It’s not the best way to nail one book per month, but I’m really enjoying it because the context switch keeps the content of each book fresh. Here’s where I am with all three:

Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business – 100 pages to go, and we’re starting to apply a lot of this to our design and product development process. Not overly explicitly yet, but we’re understanding WIP, the amount that can be delivered in a sprint, and I’m mentally creating the stages for projects. From there, we’ll want to start telling the story of how it all works, and there are some good folks helping me out with that.

Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design – This one I’m about halfway through. It’s not a lot of new content, but some good examples of existing best practices. Useful to read, but not really a life changer like the Kanban book.

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days – I need to dive back into this guy. I’m only 25 or so pages in (PayPal’s Max Levchin, and the founder of Hotmail). I didn’t realize how much the Hotmail guys hated their VCs. A lot of lessons to be learned in this one.

And so the resolution is slightly revised to be reading 12 books this year. But other than that, I’m on course!

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on This week in review

This week in review

This was a good week.

On Friday I had lunch with Dave Sloan. I’ve inherited a lot of friends in San Francisco from Micky since she’s about 10,000 times more social. There are some where I think… Hmmm. Random. We would never have met otherwise. With Dave it’s more like, yup, I get you. We’re homies. I can’t tell you why. But he’s great to hang out with. We had lunch at Tin which is a favorite of Isaac W. as well. I ate my weight in pho, and it was awesome.

And then this week wasn’t so great 🙂 the kids were sick, and I was constantly covered in throw up. Not a good look.

Micky and I ran away Wednesday night and had a killer date night (another win).

And… I’ve restarted the piano project. I have keys, and now I need to rewire the piano to work with the new setup. Let’s call that a draw 🙂

All in all a pretty good one. Here’s to the next one.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on Dinner at the Pradhan house

Dinner at the Pradhan house

We just got back from Manas’ house. He bought it one year ago, and he was throwing a warming party of sorts.

Since Doruk is in town, Doruk, Hanna, the babies and I piled into a car, and made our way down to San Mateo. On arriving, the babies immediately ran into the backyard, and met Simba – Manas’ 2-month old puppy. That poor dog had no idea what he had in store.

After chasing around in the backyard for a while, we made our way inside to see the house. The babies (and Gustavo’s kids as well) kept Simba busy as the rest of us toured the house.

It’s a really great place. Nice kitchen. Plenty of rooms. And the vibe is very Manas and Vibhuti. I think that that’s exactly what you want in a house, and they nailed it.

Then came the food…

First, some background. I’m not very nationalist, but I do give my brown brothers from another subcontinent a tough time. That said, and all claims that the food they cooked was Turkish aside, the food was AMAZING.

Amelia had a bunch of this potato cake like thing. They both had the chapali in droves. I made them a bit of vegetable soup, and they were good to go!

At this point poor Simba was passed out on the kitchen floor.

The company was fantastic. The conversations were good. It was a genuinely wonderful evening.

At the wonderful home of Mr. Manas.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on Doruk’s in town!

Doruk’s in town!

Even though their flight got canceled, and they were delayed for 4 hours, Doruk and Hanna have made it to town. The babies are sleeping, and missed seeing them, but I fully expect Amelia to catch up quickly in no time at all.

Over Thanksgiving, and then in January when he flew out for the weekend, I could already see the bonding between Doruk and Amelia. I think on this trip the bonding will be at a whole new level, and then of course Luka will get in on the action as well.

The game plan is mainly to stay low, have fun in the city by the Bay, and just hang out. It’s gonna be awesome

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on What normal sounds like

What normal sounds like

This morning I finally heard the sound of normal.

Genevieve was out sick Tuesday, and so we called in a back up nanny, and the hand off there was a bit harder than I would have liked.

Amelia was sick Wednesday, and couldn’t make it to school.

Luka has a bum left foot because his ankle is sprained, and he’s clearly in a lot of pain. The doctor said to not take him to school, and so he ended up at home with me too.

There was a turning point somewhere post last throw up, post Wednesday nap time, where I knew we had turned the corner. Amelia held down her dinner. Luka started putting weight on his left foot again. I had a good feeling we were going to get a good night’s sleep, and get back to normal.

But you’re not really back to normal until you hear the kids dancing about in the living room. Toast and eggs are made and waiting on the table. And you can take a breath, soak it all in, and lose yourself in that single moment.

The sound of normal, a sometimes very boring thing, was music to my ears.

Melih gets married, Uncategorized 0 comments on Oh I remember why we got married

Oh I remember why we got married

We went out on a date night tonight. It’s been a tough week. A lot of throw up (all Amelia’s), and a lot of long nights. At least Galatasaray tied Chelsea 1-1 🙂

We’ve been running like chickens with our heads cut off. Big projects. Not big enough teams to help execute. Trying to hire like crazy during the dead season (between Thanksgiving and March bonuses no one moves. Then in April the flood gates open). The 20 minute drive each way in the car is about the depth of conversation we get to have.

So tonight, when we headed back to the Pizza Place to have dinner it was really fantastic. Pouring with rain. Chill restaurant. Good pizza. And great conversation. We laughed with each other. We laughed at each other. And then we had ice cream before we came home to crash.

It was one of those nights where you get to remember why we got into this craziness together in the first place.

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on Finding the swimming sweet spot

Finding the swimming sweet spot

We just got back from swimming. We’ve changed from our Saturday afternoon slot to a Tuesday evening slot, and it’s totally changed how the kids engage. I feel like we’ve finally found their swimming sweet spot.

Our Saturday teacher was a woman named Simone who is a fantastic swimming teacher. Amelia bloomed under her, and grew by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, Luka just couldn’t get into it. Worse… we were always late, and they were always waking up early from their naps to go.

It was just way too hard to make it all happen, and so even though leaving Simone was a hard choice, we decided to try out a new night.

I think Jenny is going to be a good teacher as well, but, more than anything else, I think we’re finally not stressing out their sleep cycle, it’s much easier to get there (and so we get the full lesson), and the class size is slightly smaller. It’s meant that Luka is finally putting his head under water, and Amelia just keeps getting better and better.

It also gives us our Saturday afternoon’s back, and we don’t feel like we lose an entire day of the weekend to having to do kid’s activity.

I just don’t get why the pool would have their 1 – 2 year old classes at THE primo nap time for that age group. It just doesn’t make sense :-/

We’re really sad we’ve lost Simone, but we’re really excited about the kids being into swimming. We’ve found their swimming sweet spot 🙂