just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 0 comments on The Olympics are almost here!

The Olympics are almost here!

I genuinely love the Olympics. Following on yesterday’s talk about what to be excellent at, I think the Olympics gives us all a chance to really rally around this elite set of folks who are genuinely excellent at these sports.

For some reason, and I don’t really know why, I find the Winter Olympics to be much better than their summer counterpart.

I used to know all of the athletes, and really root for folks. Now I just enjoy the various sports. I LOVE figure skating (men’s and women’s), and I find the biathlon to be amazing. The ski jump always scare the shit out of me. And the new sports are fun to watch, and tend to be really exciting.

When all is said and done, we get to watch one person get rewarded as the best in the world at something. Imagine that. Out of 7 billion… you are number 1.

Now that’s excellent.

just thinking out loud, Uncategorized 2 comments on What do I want to be excellent at

What do I want to be excellent at

We’ve got an amazing thread going on on amplifize focusing on a New Yorker article about the ill effects of working too much.

I’ve ended up on the other end of the debate (as seems to happen a lot lately) advocating for overwork when applied towards achieving a degree of excellence. In my mind the goal is to get to the now idolized 10,000 hours before the gal (or guy) next to you beats you there. My brother, in his newly elevated eloquence, came back and challenged me by saying that excellence should be achieved in pursuit of a life well lived. He started and ended by asking me what I wanted to be excellent at. Here is my response.

The number one thing I want to be excellent at is being a father. When I think about the amount of time I put into this, I’ve definitely passed into the zone of overwork. That probably sounds ridiculous since fatherhood is considered by many to be a 24-hour job, but that is in fact a lie. It takes all of 30 seconds to become a father biologically. After that, the choice, and depth, of fatherhood is completely on the individual. The level to which anyone can invest should have checks and balances. I don’t think I’ve found my checks or balances. It’s definitely hurt me in relationships with friends. It’s also definitely made it harder for me to justify networking events, after works drinks, and the like. The costs are real, but the benefits are real as well. Overworking as a father is a choice that I continue to make. The only real concern that I have is that I haven’t found a good over-recover cycle to balance it. This is a challenge I need to address.

After that (for me) is to leave behind a legacy of a product excellently built, and, at this point in my career, I can still selfishly hope for it to be products plural. To build excellent products requires diving not only into the problem space, but the mind of the end-user, the architecture of the right solution, and the journey of the product life cycle. People specialize immediately in their careers because specialization is often interchanged with expertise. I don’t think this is true. A corner of a component of a product is as unaware of the whole as my left ear. And yet when I put it together with my right ear, the whole of my head, and the rest of my parts, you get a full picture of the product that is me. I think building excellent products requires being able to dive deep into the left ear while understanding that it’s a person you’re building, and not a microphone. Experts tend to confuse the microphone for the ear when in fact one simply mimics another. There is an obsessive tendency to building excellent products that leads to overwork, and I think it can be detrimental to the overall experience and outcome. Finding the release parachute when it’s needed is a hard fought battle with oneself, and one that I know I often lose. Nonetheless, I don’t know how else to build excellent product but with both feet jumping straight in.

Finally, I want to be an excellent husband. This means being more patient, a better listener, quicker with my kindness, and slower with my smart ass nature. This one is the hardest for me because I actually don’t know what it looks like. There’s no one else to compare to for an excellent husband for Micky. The lack of a yard stick means that no one else can ever beat me, but that I can also never know if I’ve done it or not. That vagueness, that abstractness, makes it hard for me to know if I’ve entered overwork or not. You could argue the same is true for the kids, and you’d be correct, but I’ve felt much less loss at striving to be an excellent husband than I have at being an excellent father. Maybe loss is the measuring stick, and in not losing enough (or trading off enough), I haven’t gone far enough. That’s actually a great question to ask. In general though, I find the pursuit of being excellent for her makes me better not only at this task but the other two above as well. It’s an unintended benefit which I’ll gladly take.

I think if I pull off all three of those things, then I will have lived an excellent life. It will have been put to the test, and found sufficient. I think ultimately, it will be something that someone at sometime points to and says – I’d like for that to be me.

It’s a great conversation we’re having. I’m very lucky to be so challenged by such a great group.

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on This week in review

This week in review

What a week!

Micky was out of town. The nanny got sick. The babies just grew up before my eyes. And we finally got rain in the Bay Area.

The rain meant that today was a day to paint at the new house, and have a lazy Sunday morning. We really need a king-sized bed to pull that off with 4 of us, and we’ll get there.

Amelia is doing a lot better at swimming every week. Luka is still scared shitless. I don’t know what to do except stop his lessons for a semester, and let him forget it all. Then maybe he’ll be excited about it. He’s so damn funny though. He’s desperate to be with her; emulate her; and be her best friend.

At his 18-month checkup, Luka clocked in at a solid 35 1/4″ tall, and 30 lbs 12 oz. He’s huge for an 18-month old. I don’t think he knows it though because Amelia is still bigger, faster, further ahead.

I nailed my books for January, and now I need to find a book for February. I don’t think reading to the kids counts, but we’ve found some great new ones lately. My challenge is that I really want it to be an eBook, but the public library’s main provider makes eBooks that are iPad compatible difficult to get. So it goes. Everyone has to make their money.

Anyway, this was a really great week. Here’s to many more like this one.






Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on Preschool update

Preschool update

I feel like I’m applying for colleges all over again…

Amelia went to her first preschool interview today. I’m sure it went as well as it could. But it’s a really unnerving experience. One school (who took a $90 application fee) didn’t even invite us to an interview. This school today spent an hour getting to know the kids (which I think is really awesome), but I don’t know how they compare Amelia (2.5 years old) with kids who are older (some who just missed the cut-off, and so are almost 3.5 years old). I know they know, but the fact that I don’t is unnerving.

There are a few other schools in the hopper as well. One of them is blind admission, and so it’s 100% based on the essay we wrote.

If my college admissions rate is an indicator there, then poor Amelia πŸ™

It’s hard too because wherever she ends up, there’s almost a certainty that Luka is there as well. I don’t love that scenario because I do think he’d be better off at his own school, but the logistics of it are awful.

So fingers crossed today went well. I really like this school, and if it worked out, then we’d be ecstatic.

Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on Look at that somersault!

Look at that somersault!

Micky was out of town for business (I can’t say why because it’s still a secret), and so a lot of posts this week have been about the kids. It’s been an awesome week of being loved by them, and I’m ending the week in a place of real zen.

I’ll close the week out with the video below of Amelia doing a forward somersault. The pride in her face. The insanity of the fall. It’s a good moment from a good week of being in parent mode full time.



Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on Babies at the office

Babies at the office

The babies came to the office today since Genevieve was out sick. It’s usually a lost day when that happens, but this time around they were really fantastic. I got a bunch of help from Lauren and KFox which epically made the day better. Without them, it would have been a totally lost day, but they came to my rescue big time.

We got to the office a bit on the later side since organizing and getting them out the door is difficult.

First meeting was with Betsy, and the kids had a fat section of the whiteboard. There was a section that said “Do Not Erase”. Of course they both wanted to draw and erase there. Sorry Badri…

I pulled off two interviews, a partner meeting, and a 1:1 (thankfully Byrne was good with going to the park). The kids woke up from their nap in the middle of the partner meeting, and there was a mad dash to turn on Finding Nemo before we reached full meltdown.

We ended with grilled cheese sandwiches, a quick bath, and a really easy bed time. They were really heroes. One of those days where I realize how lucky I really am.

Amelia's self-built couch
Amelia built this couch out of pillows for her and Luka to climb on.


Fatherhood, Uncategorized 0 comments on A back up needs a back up

A back up needs a back up

The nanny got sick today. We don’t have a back up plan. Burned…

Parenthood teaches you very quickly to expect that your back up needs a back up. It’s not enough to expect the kid to get dirty. They’re going to get dirty, and then pee through their diaper. One set of back up clothes is never enough.

Same with snacks (you’ll get stuck in traffic, and need a back up plan). Same with diapers

The hard part is that when people are involved it gets harder and harder to have a back up plan. Without having some infinite cash flow to hold folks on retainer, how the hell do you build up a network of nannies and babysitters that make this problem go away?

The real answer is… live close to family. Especially family who are keen to help out with the kids.

But in that we’ve made a pretty big commitment that doesn’t make that easy… we need a back up plan.

The hard part of the back up plan is the kids. They have a routine. They have patterns, favorites, likes, and dislikes. Getting someone caught up on all of this part time feels impossible. Interviewing for nannies is hard. I just don’t know how we pull it off…

I guess we just get them into school πŸ™‚

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on Goal scoring extraordinaire!

Goal scoring extraordinaire!

Our 5v5 Futsal season ended last night with a 4-6 defeat in the first round of the playoffs.

For the first time in a long time, we went up 1-0. Christian laid a gorgeous ball across the mouth of the goal that JTsai(??) scored. They made it 1-1 on a bad decision in goal, but that’s okay. The folks who played goalie did a great job. It’s a hard gig, and the fact that we don’t have a full time goalie really did us in this game. Oh well…

Then they went up 1-2.

We tied it 2-2 on a goofy goal. They did a pass back where the goalie came forward and the guy passed it behind him. CBrew ran after the ball, and when it hit the post he nailed it into the back of the net.

2-2 at halftime.

In the second half, the jumped out quickly on us. It was 2-4 before we knew it. I helped us crawl back in with a pretty left foot shot on a quick turn around that surprised the goalie, and was really well placed. In another lifetime, I was clearly a forward πŸ™‚

Then I completely screwed up, passed across the middle, and gave them an easy one. 3-5 πŸ™

We made it 4-5 on a great chip from Christian to my head. I didn’t hit it level (as the goalie’s arm was there), but instead pushed it up and into the top of the crossbar. 4-5 with just a little bit to go.

Then, they got a really fluky goal to make it 4-6.

Game. Set. Match.

TokSoccer is retiring for a season while we nurse injuries, and find a good location for everyone who plays. Until then, I’ll find my soccer fix somewhere else πŸ™‚

Life Updates, Uncategorized 0 comments on This week in review

This week in review

What a week…

Monday was a holiday, and we got to do some work on the house. Mike bought us a bunch of parts, Micky and Mike went to IKEA to buy stuff, and then we pulled off a few new lights, a re-worked coat closet, and taking down the doors of the toy room closet.

Tuesday I learned a lot about personal goals, and life next steps.

The rest of the week the kids just weren’t sleeping, and the stress level at the house was too high.

It’s been a bad week. We saved it a bit with a nice weekend. We took Mike to Sonoma today, and that was really grand. But in general, I’m looking forward to hitting reset.



