Category: Pokemon

  • Pokemon League Cup: Montasy Comics (12/17)

    The format for the cup was best of 1, thirty minute rounds. Best of one impacts how to play by really emphasizing first game setup. If key cards are prized, then there’s a good chance the match is lost before the first turn plays out. Round 1:Played against – Alakazam with Mimukyu This match up…

  • Choosing my deck for Orlando

    I have chosen a deck for the Orlando regional championships! I’m assuming the tournament meta will be 75% lugia, 10% Regis, 10% lost raquaza and 5% random decks. I was considering 2 decks: Based on my assumptions and the decks I was considering, I chose Regis. The reason I chose this deck is based on…

  • Ways to earn money to buy Pokémon cards

    I need to earn money to buy cards for my upcoming tournament. Here are five ideas I have for how to do that: 1. Do chores To earn money for Pokémon cards I could do chores. Some chores I could do are make my bed,do the laundry, and make my lunch for school. 2. Lemonade…

  • I won my first league challenge

    A league is a place we’re you can get world championship points .i won this year because I did not use my gx,s. I did not only attched to my gx

  • Pokémon

    This Saturday I went to Pokémon. I played a lot of games I won all of the games accept one.and it was fun.

  • My first Pokémon regionals

    This weekend I went to my first Pokémon regionals. It took forever but then it was over .then I checked what plays I was in. I had gotten 31 it was awesome.