Category: Life updates
Zip lining In Belize
Zip lining was one of the many things we did in Belize. Once we left the resort it was 45 minutes to the zip lining park. After we got there we had to wait for another group to finish. While we were waiting for the group to finish I got really scared and didn’t want…
Laughing Bird Caye dive
Yesterday in Belize we went snorkeling in Laughing Bird Caye. In the morning we had breakfast then we left to get dropped of at the boat. Once we got to the boat we left immediately because it was almost 2 hours until we would get there. Once we left we played cards and looked around…
How I built my dive
Today was the day we were going to build my dive. My dive is an app the my dad wanted to build so that he could write about his diving adventures. The first thing we did was find a no-code mobile app builder, we went with glide a recommended site. First we figured out what…
Jaguar Preserve in Belize
Yesterday we went to a Jaguar Preserve. There we saw lots of cool things. First of all the Jaguar Preserve is in Belize where me and my family are on spring break. We woke up early in the morning so that we could eat breakfast before we went. Then we ate and got picked up.…
A letter to my future football self
Dear 2023 Luka, The new season is about to start. I know you’re excited and nervous. Here’s what you need to remember about last season: Last year you tried to trust your teammates more. It worked sometimes, but not all the time. Here’s an example- I trusted my teammate when I threw the ball up…
Our favorite places to eat in North Carolina
We are going to North Carolina this weekend. Here are our favorite restaurants: 1.One restaurant we recommend is Snoopy’s One thing I would like to do in North Carolina is go to Snoopy’s – our favorite place to get hot dogs. One other reason we like to go there is their sweet tea is so…
My sick day wishlist
I’m home “sick” today. I have to do schoolwork, but here’s a list of 8 things I wish I could do instead: 1. Order lunch takeout One thing I would like to do on a sick day is order lunch.I would order lunch with my dad. Depending on our mood we could order burgers,pizza,pasta or…
Parts of a computer by Luka
There are many parts of a computer here are some. One big part of a computer is the motherboard the motherboard is we’re you plug in all your electronics cause that is the main source of power one company that sells the motherboard is intel they sell it for 122$. Another important part is the…
What I am grateful for.
I am really thankful for all this stuff I know not everyone has.One thing is Pokémon cards and my dad being committed to playing with me. Another thing is my school and friends. Finally I am thankful for my family. I am so greatful to have these things.
Paragraph about my body
I do not love my body. These are some of the changes I want to make. One thing is I want to lose weight. Another thing is I want to gain muscle all around my body. Finally I want to workout on a more regular basis. Also this will make me a better quarterback. These…